About the awards
The Utah Cheese Awards is an annual competition and celebration of cheese and related foods. Its aim is to recognize individual cheesemakers and food processors, as well as promote the quality of local products to Utahns and points beyond.

How it works
Makers submit their products which are blind-judged by a team of individuals representing a cross-section of food-conscious Utahns. The products are awarded first, second and third place (gold, silver and bronze) medals in each category. The show also awards a best-of-show to the highest scoring entry in both cheese and non-cheese divisions. Additionally, a Special Recognition Award is presented to a person or company instrumental in the ongoing success of the contest or industry.
Our vision
While the awards reflect the personal tastes of the judges assembled, the Utah Cheese Awards believes the results are relevant to the majority of Utahns who buy such products. Additionally, the act of the makers coming together in a friendly competition promotes products, brands and the industry as a whole in a way that no single company or agency can.

Our team
The Utah Cheese Awards is owned and operated by it's founder Steve Jerman, and enjoys the involvement of generous volunteers and sponsors to make it happen.
Steven Ralph Jerman
Founder and Managing Director